Sunday, August 24, 2008


Everyone(who is younger than 40 years old) who I know of at least has a Facebook page, including my husband (well, he is 42, but who's counting?) Wait, am I old school or what? I don't have Facebook.

"You don't have Facebook?" one of my husband's friends asked me in a joking tone, yet I felt weird to tell him the reality.

"No, I don't."

I felt embarassed and hesitated to share with friends or acquaincetances that I don't have a Facebook page. Such an old-school person like me, refusing to be on a network or be connected, be seen, be known of, or on another level, refusing to follow the current trend.

Hey, wait a minute ... I am blogging. I have a public journal. I am not completely old or old school. I select very carefully on what trend I would like to follow.

I have to admit that, being in a fast-paced technology-driven society, you have to be firm and strong on what kind of technology will facilitate your life, and not create an embrassing experience. Learn from technology and use it well to serve your purposes. I don't think you should struggle to keep pace with everything that is out there.

I am a Blogger, not a Facebooker.


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