Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wearing your passion will take you far

I believe that passion can lead my way into good work and a great life, and I will live a relatively healthy life, if not the most successful one, but at least, the most productive one, because of passion.

First let me talk about good work.

My passion often pushes me to look for tasks that inspire me. I realize that I enjoy teaching English to immigrants in DC when I am in the classroom and facilitate language learning. My heart grows bigger when the students ask me questions or when the students try to figure out the right answer to a question I've asked them. I slowly help them discover the answers by themselves.

Passion to me is a stream of continual inspiration. It works especially well when it presents a paradoxical theme. I am a Thai woman, leading an organization that teaches English to adult immigrants. I love this paradox, and am aware of it all the time. I never dreamed I would be doing this. A few years ago, I was in a quiet house next to the mountains and rice fields in Northern Thailand.

Reading, listening, watching, observing, and thinking about life over the past ten years, I am willing and able to blend my passion(s) into principle(s) deeper and deeper. I can stand firm and say, "yes" when I really feel "yes" or say, "no" when it is worth the "no." I can gradually idealize what to include in a purposeful good life. That is, I will eliminate extra stuff that I don't really need in life and steer my focus into what I need to do, to be and to have.

One of the things that I need to have in order to maintain a healthy and purposeful life is "passion." I have experienced hundreds of examples that show me the power of passion, and I'm sure it will carry me (and my life) as long as I would like to go. I am sure it will do the same in your life.

Celebrate your passion.


P.S. In my next blog entry, I will write about the passion in my personal life.

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